Business Performance Advisor


Cash Flow Groth Forecasting


Cash is King


You may have heard the statement “cash is king”, this is because cash to a business is like the blood in our veins, not enough or a slow leak and your business slowly dies.  


How you manage cash and your ability to generate cash resources is a key factor in the success of your business.  There are many reasons why a business fails. Most of the reasons for business failure can be overcome with time and management changes.  


However a business will fold if it runs out of cash resources while trying to make these changes.  The common denominator in all business failures is the lack of cash flow.  Cash flow problems are not limited to businesses with issues.  Successful businesses with growing sales can also find themselves in difficulties, if their cash flow is not managed appropriately.

The importance of managing and forecasting cash flow for business success cannot be understated. Find out how much money you have tied up in your business unnecessarily. Putney Breeze’s cash impact analysis and actions will show you how much cash you could have in your bank account.

Contact Putney Breeze today to increase your cash at bank. 03 9395 1118      


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