Business Performance Advisor


Getting more from your Tax Advisors

As a business owner your typical exposure to financial statements is the annual meeting with your tax accountant. Is this meeting a one way conversation?  


The tax accountant sits at one end and a business owner at the other.  In between is the conversation that covers the financial statements, tax mitigation, company structure and in particular your tax and compliance obligations.  


The tax accountant sits in a position of strength as they have knowledge of the tax rules.  The tax mitigation and asset protection advice is the principle reason why you have engaged the tax accountant.  


However as the business owner you understand your business intimately, in between yourself and the tax accountant are your financial statements.  As a result, improving your understanding of financial statements will improve the quality of the conversation with your tax accountant.  You will be able to challenge assumptions and the documents presented to make for a more productive meeting. 


Ask Putney Breeze what questions to ask and how to get the most from your Tax experts. 03 9395 1118  


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